
Jan 19, 2015

Clean Eating Apple Pie Oatmeal

What if I told you that you could have apple pie for breakfast, no sugar, no guilt? That's exactly what I do most mornings, on one form or another! So simple, you can make this up in advance for your entire week, have it all ready to go for those busy rushed mornings!  

I like to make my steel cut oats up in advance in the slow cooker, 6 generous cups of water to 1 1/2 cup steel cut oats cooked on low for about 8 hours. Once they are cooled, I portion them out into containers, 6 servings. 

You then have your oats to do with what you wish! You can also use raw, old-fashioned oatmeal for this recipe if you prefer. 


(Makes 1 serving)


  • 1/2 cup uncooked, raw old fashioned oats
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 cup chopped apples (approximately 1 small apple)
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon allspice
  • Honey  or Pure maple syrup to taste
  • 1/2 c. Cottage Cheese


  1. Combine all ingredients the night before. Enjoy in the morning cold or warm - your choice!
  2. Optional ingredients or variations of this meal are as follows:  *Caramel apple pie (add in caramel extract) *PB and banana soaked oats (in place of the apple, use a banana and 1T PB, omit the allspice) *Some prefer Plain Greek Yogurt in place of the cottage cheese for any of these variations, or you could use half cottage cheese, half yogurt! Be creative, the options are endless!
Note: You can double the spices if you like a strong flavor. Also, the syrup or honey really makes this dish. It’s what brings out the full apple pie flavor. however, you don’t need a lot if your apples are sweet.

Jan 18, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme, Beachbody's Hottest New Workout Program!

Click HERE to be the FIRST to get updates and information as it's released!

A year ago, last February, Beachbody launched the current #1 in-home fitness program.   The 21 Day Fix was created by Autumn Calabrese, and the 30 minute, total-body workouts combined with the simplified nutrition guide and portion-controlled containers created tremendous excitement, along with nothing short of incredible results!  At first, I couldn't believe it would be physically possible to lose 15 pounds in just 21 days...but time after time, my customers in my groups were doing JUST THAT!  For ME personally, this has been the missing piece to my results.  I use clean eating nutrition & have a regular fitness routine, but I was stuck at a plateau.  The portion-controlled containers are paired with a food list categorized by the most nutrient-dense and highly recommended foods at the top and the lowest nutritional value foods at the bottom!  I gradually began to see results along with my hundreds of fix graduates. This program WORKS!!!!  

So what about after a person completes a few rounds of the 21-Day Fix?  What next?  Autumn realized that there was a need for something that can take your fitness to the NEXT level.  THAT's the reason behind  the brand new 21 Day Fix EXTREME!!!  Coming {{February 2nd}} to ONLY those who have a free Team Beachbody Coach (if you don't have one, I'd be happy to be your coach!).

The goal with the 21 Day Fix Extreme is to create "cut" results, more muscle tone, definition, tightened up nutrition plan and advanced moves.  This worked is truly meant to get you shredded.  In addition to the previous meal plan, Autumn shares her bikini competition plan  to help shred those pesky pounds that are so hard to shed.

So who is this program intended for?

21 Day Fix EXTREME is ideal for those with a dramatic short-term weight
loss deadline--such as an upcoming vacation, photo shoot, or other special 

occasion.  It's an excellent program for 21 Day Fix graduates ready for a new 
challenge, or anyone looking for the next extreme program beyond the realm 
of P90X, Insanity, and FOCUS T25.  Fix EXTREME is also great for those who 
don't have much weight to lose, but want to get shredded and see abs; those 
with a "no BS" attitude toward workouts and nutrition; or anyone who doesn't 
want to count calories, weigh their food, or follow complicated recipes.

{I would not recommend the 21 Day Fix Extreme for a beginner.
This is an advanced program.  Autumn did talk about that when she was in
 Pittsburgh for our celebration event last weekend.  So I want to make sure that 

you know to do the 21 day fix FIRST before advancing to this program!}

So what are the details?
  • The program is 21 days long!
  • You do one 30-minute workout each day.
  • You do not need a lot of space to do this workout.  A 6 sq. ft. area is all you need.
  • Cross Trainers or aerobic shoes are necessary.

The workouts include:  

Plyo Fix Extreme, Upper Fix Extreme, Lower Fix Extreme,
Pilates Fix Extreme, Cardio Fix Extreme, Dirty 30 Fix Extreme  and
Yoga Fix Extreme.

There will be a bonus workout that you get for ordering through a coach plus
there is also additional workouts that you can purchase also.
Power strength extreme and ABC Extreme.

What are the workouts all about??
Plyo Fix Extreme
An explosive lower-body workout that uses jumping and resistance to torch calories and sculpt
Upper Fix Extreme
By alternating opposing muscle groups, this no-rest upper-body workout will shred the chest, back,
shoulders, and arms.
Pilates Fix Extreme
Using a resistance band for every exercise, this intense mat workout works the entire body, placing
emphasis on the core.
Lower Fix Extreme
Glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves will get stronger, leaner, and more defined with 30 minutes
of challenging resistance work.
Cardio Fix ExtremeCombining weighted cardio moves with traditional metabolic training intervals keeps the heart rate
Dirty 30 Extreme
Using only seven compound moves focusing on multiple body parts at a time, this workout will burn
extra calories while defining muscles. Get down and dirty, and get it done.
Yoga Fix ExtremeA fast-paced flow yoga class, combining strength, balance, flexibility, and power.
Power Strength Extreme
Based on functional movement patterns, these nine total-body exercises will change the way the 
body moves, increasing strength, endurance, and power.
ABC Extreme
A 30-minute workout that targets common problem areas by pushing abs, butt, and cardio to 
the extreme.  It'll get that competition body ready for the stage.
The Fix Challenge
Keep things interesting and burn off calories with this quick resistance workout.Lets talk nutrition plan!

While the 21 day fix allowed for wine and chocolate the 21 Day fix extreme does
not.  It is 100% clean eating for these 21 days.  You do have the option to eat out
at restaurants but you still have to follow the nutritional guidelines laid out.  Just
think about it this way!  You can do anything you put your mind to for 21 days.

I can say from previous experience with Insanity Max 30 that when I followed
the nutrition plan to the T I really got amazing results.  I have never had abs
before and they were popping out!  Remember the 80/20 rule - abs are made
in the kitchen!  I really do attribute a lot of my progress to 
nutrition.  So make
sure to take this part extremely serious.

You will get the 21 day fix portion controlled containers with your program

So do you want to be the first to get it???

Starting on the 2nd of February, I am going to be hosting an Online EXCLUSIVE 21 Day Fix Extreme TEST Group where I will be mentoring you through the program, teaching you how to navigate the nutrition plan, create a meal plan, prep, give you snack ideas, recipes, and tips.  Plus you will get daily videos, motivation and accountability in a closed online group, only for those using this program so that we can support one another through it and share our journeys with one another!!!  Our goal is to set realistic and achievable goals and to go 100% in for 21 days to achieve the very best results we can achieve!!!  

Complete the application below for consideration in joining me for this exclusive test group.
Serious inquires need only apply!

About Me!

I'm just a small-town wife and mamma of 4 beautiful kids, ages 2-8, living in rural central WI. I am a runner and health & fitness enthusiast, and love surrounding myself with positivism, and those who lift me higher and push myself to be the best version of me I can be!

When I'm not helping others with their health, fitness, or business goals, I love to read, crochet, garden, RUN (of course!), spend time with extended family, and travel! We love to take day or weekend trips to the water parks or hike the state parks in the area.

Before Health Coaching, I had a career working in Management, coordinating services for people with Developmental Disabilities. Although my career was extremely rewarding, my heart wasn't in it once we had our first child. I left my career behind to raise our growing family. Our little family of 3 soon became 6, and living on one income was H A R D!  Everything in me wanted to help contribute to our family's income. So we grew a ton of our own food during the summer months and I learned how to do home food preservation (freezing, canning, and dehydrating). But the money we saved on groceries wasn't enough to grow our savings or pay off our accumulated debt. We were on ONE tight budget! And not only that, my husband was working a job with a one-hour commute each way, every day. Although it was a good job, he sacrificed SO much. I was basically a single parent. The kids and I NEVER sat down to a family dinner together. He left work early in the morning, and didn't return home until well-after we were in bed. We couldn't afford even the smallest of splurges. The kids would ask for a particular fruit or other food item at the store - and often times I would have to tell them "no" or put it back on the shelf because I was concerned we didn't have enough funds in our account to cover it.  The holidays stressed us out entirely, having to pick and choose who we would be able to buy a gift for...often resorting to hand-made gifts.

So when I first was informed about Online Health Coaching, I was extremely skeptical. It really sounded too good to be true!

I took a leap, knowing very little about what I would be doing, and learned as I went. I was blessed to have joined the TOP team in the network, and from my mentors, I was taught their systems to success - which I share with my own team of coaches!  In just 17 months from starting, I was able to grow a successful 6-figure business from my kitchen home office, while being present for my kids and family.

My goals for 2015 include helping a minimum of 7 coaches on my team earn $1000+ weekly, by ensuring they duplicate my own proven systems of helping people succeed with their goals. When my team succeeds, we all succeed!  I am so excited for this year!  Do you relate to this story? What are you waiting for! Your only regret will be that you didn't start sooner <3

Jan 17, 2015

Online Health Coaching Opportunity

How does a small-town farm girl from Central WI go from ZERO social media knowledge or experience, no network of friends, no big dreams or ambitions, stay at home mamma to 4 little ones, to a TOP COACH...5-Star ELITE Online Health Coach, in just 17 months into the business? If I could teach you how I got started, how I continue to grow my successful business by helping others achieve their goals, working from HOME part-time, around my family's schedule, would you be interested? Was I skeptical at first? YOU BET! But once I realized that I had nothing to lose by trying, I went ALL IN, and I am SO glad I did!

What would the extra income do for you? For my family, it has meant SO much! In my first month as coach, I earned $300. In my second month, my income increased to $800. By the 3rd month, I was making a significant contribution to our family's income goals. Now, we are living without the stress of wondering how we will pay our bills, how we will afford our kid's school tuition, or how we will pay that heating bill. I don't have to put food back on the shelf because of not having enough money in our checking account to cover the cost. We didn't have to stress over picking and choosing who we would be able to buy Christmas presents for this year. We are paying off our debt one, by one, by one - and seeing that bright light at the end of the tunnel!

I do NOT have a "recruiting" quota to meet, or pressure to run my business a certain way. I share this opportunity with people because I BELIEVE in it! I know how fulfilling it is to help other people succeed. I know how this has changed my life, and the others who are on our growing team. We finished the year ranked 157 out of over 220,000 teams, as one of the 199 Elite teams in the network. What does that mean? It means I am successfully leading my team to success. My processes to grow a business are duplicatable, and I want nothing more than to see our team grow and continue the positive impact toward helping others to live healthy, confident, and fit!  

For me, a small-town momma of 4, I now have a career that I am passionate about, relieved some of the financial burden from my husband, earning income from home around my family's schedule. I am my own #girlboss, and love the feeling of helping others succeed. Our team is positive, genuine, driven, goal-oriented, and welcoming to any others who feel the same about helping others. If you are waiting for an official invitation, this is it!

Do you know someone who could benefit from learning more about this opportunity? TAG and SHARE this post! To apply, complete the application today! This may be the best decision of your life. Take the leap towards living your life by design! If your'e not happy with your current situation, take the necessary steps to change it!

For consideration, please apply here:

Double Chocolate Snack Cake

I LOVE baking. I learned from the BEST. My mom was one of 18 children, born into a strong faith-centered Catholic family, who knew what it meant to live off of the land. Dairy farmers and gardeners, they made EVERYTHING from scratch. So passed on from generation to generation, I learned at an early age how to cook and bake. So that's a good thing, and a bad thing! But what I love the most is finding recipes that I can adapt and modify to fit our clean eating lifestyle.  Take this snack cake, for instance. The original recipe calls for white flour, sugar, and canola oil. I was curious to see how this would turn out with making a few simple substitutions, and I am pleasantly surprised!

When you're in a pinch, wanting a quick easy dessert, this does the trick!

So here's how:

1 2/3 C. whole wheat flour
3/4 C. honey or agave nectar
1/4 C. cocoa
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 C. water
1 C. ground flax meal
1 tsp. vinegar
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 c. Semisweet chocolate chips or cocoa nibs

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Mix dry ingredients in an ungreased 8X8 square baking pan. Stir in remaining ingredients until well moistened, except chocolate chips. Sprinkle chips on top. 

Bake 35-40 minutes or until center comes clean with a toothpick. Cool on wire rack, makes 9 servings. Enjoy!!

Free online 7-day Clean Eating Challenge

I know many of us fall subject to falling off the wagon from time to time. Especially during and after the holidays, with all the sweets and parties. What starts out as one treat easily becomes a landslide of cheats to the point of what feels like no return! If you have used clean eating or eliminated/reduced sugars in your diet, you know that your body won't want or crave them. But the trick can be to get to that point!

When I first discovered clean eating, I thought I knew what eating healthy was. I was a strict calorie counter and bypassed looking at ingredients all together. It was SO eye-opening to take the time to read labels and eliminate chemically-produced ingredients, overly processed foods, and sugars. And I FELT so much better! I have such a passion for helping people (especially women and moms) educate about eating clean and naturally, because we are the ones who are typically doing the grocery shopping and meal prep for our families.  It starts with us. We have the ability to impact what our family eats, and educate our kids!

Let me help you get that nutritional clean sweep that you might need so that you are able to get yourself back on track to feeling AWESOME again. I will provide you with:

√ 7 days of meal planning
√ Grocery list
√ Kid and family friendly clean eating recipes
√ Online daily support and encouragement in a FUN positive atmosphere
√ Chances to win some free prizes!

Here's a blank planer you can use to help get you started:

And a Clean-Eating Grocery Shopping list (21 Day Fix approved!):

For joining details, email me at or find me on FB  I look forward to meeting you soon!