
Mar 28, 2015

2014 Top Elite Team Beachbody Health Coach

About Me, & My Story

I'm just a small-town wife and mamma of 4 beautiful kids, ages 2-8, living in rural central WI. I am a Christian who grew up in a faith-filled Catholic family, a runner, and health & fitness enthusiast, who loves to surround myself with positivism and those who lift me higher and push myself to be the best version of me I can be! 

When I'm not helping others with their health, fitness, or business goals, I love to read, crochet, garden, RUN (of course!), spend time with extended family, and travel! We love to take day or weekend trips to the water parks or hike the state parks in the area.

Before Health Coaching, I had a career working in Management, coordinating services for people with Developmental Disabilities, throughout 2 counties in WI. Although my career was extremely rewarding, my heart wasn't in it once we had our first child. I left my career behind to raise our growing family. Our little family of 3 soon became 6, and living on one income was H A R D!  Everything in me wanted to help contribute to our family's income. So we grew a ton of our own food during the summer months and I learned how to do home food preservation (freezing, canning, and dehydrating). We even cut out garbage service and cell phones. But the money we saved on groceries wasn't enough to grow our savings or pay off our accumulated debt. We were on ONE tight budget! And not only that, my husband was working a job with a one-hour commute each way, every day. Although it was a good job, he sacrificed SO much. I was basically a single mom. The kids and I NEVER sat down to a family dinner together. He left work early in the morning, and didn't return home until well-after we were in bed. We couldn't afford even the smallest of splurges. The kids would ask for a particular fruit or other food item at the store - and often times I would have to tell them "no" or put it back on the shelf because I was concerned we didn't have enough funds in our account to cover it.  The holidays stressed us out entirely, having to pick and choose who we would be able to buy a gift for...often resorting to hand-made gifts.

So when I first was informed about Online Health Coaching, I was extremely skeptical. It really sounded too good to be true! Like most people, the thought went through my head - is this a pyramid scheme?  Will I really make money doing this? Who would want ME to be their coach? I'm not a professional in this field!....those doubts kept coming. But I realized if I didn't at least try it, I would be in the same exact circumstances (or even worse) down the road. 

So instead, I took a leap, knowing very little about what I would be doing, and learned as I went. I was blessed to have joined the TOP team in the network, and from my mentors, I was taught their systems to success - which I share with my own team of coaches!  In just 17 months from starting, I was able to grow a successful 6-figure business from my kitchen home office, while being present for my kids and family, and achieving the status of growing a top Elite team of coaches with Team Fit4mation in that short amount of time - less than 200 coaches in the network were able to achieve this accomplishment! 

So now what?  My goals for 2015 include helping a minimum of 7 coaches on my team earn $1000+ weekly, by ensuring they duplicate my own proven systems of helping people succeed with their goals. When my team succeeds, we all succeed!  I am so excited for this year!  Do you relate to this story? What are you waiting for! Your only regret will be that you didn't start sooner.  

To learn more, and to apply for a position in my next New Coach Training, please apply here.

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