
Sep 17, 2015

Do You Dream About Being a Stay-At-Home Mom??

I used to cry myself to sleep at night, praying and wishing there was a way for me to be able to be home with my kids. I dreaded leaving them in a stranger's care during the day, and felt like I was working, only to pay for Child Care. When my husband and I decided we just couldn't do it any more, and I left my career to stay home, we were so financially strapped living on one income that life was H A R D. We cut expenses in every single possible place to make it work.

I am thinking about all you MOMS out there who, like me, are wanting to earn an income -- BUT also be able to STAY HOME with your family. As soon as I became a mom, I didn't want to go back to work...but I couldn't afford not to. The 2 months we had our oldest in day care was the hardest 2 months up until that point. I felt trapped, depressed, and all I could think about was when 4:30 rolled around so I could go grab him and bring him home. After leaving my career, living on one income was H A R D. We depleted our entire savings, racked up credit card debt, and were in completely over our heads. 4 kids later, 7 years later, we knew we were done having kids, and it was time for me to start looking at earning an income again. I started searching for a way to make it happen where I could STILL be home with my young children and baby.  I prayed about it, talked it over with my husband, and we found a way!

He was friends with someone on FB who informed me about the coaching opportunity with Beachbody -- to be able to have a home-based business as an Online Health & Fitness Coach. The really crazy thing, is I was even looking for an opportunity to do this very same thing, but prior to this particular day, it didn't lead me to Beachbody. In God's perfect timing, this opportunity presented itself to us. I knew in my heart it was meant to be - THIS was our perfect solution. I quickly learned that not only was it EVERYTHING I had been searching & praying for -- but it encompassed the things I truly LOVED:::

~helping others
~fitness & nutrition
~being my own boss
~working from home
~making my own hours
~dressing however I wanted
~earning an unlimited income
~being able to travel whenever I wanted
~making a positive DIFFERENCE in this world

~turning my passion for healthy living into a career

After learning more about it, I decided to go for it.  How could I NOT!? I had found my DREAM JOB. I am now comfortably fulfilling my dream as a stay at home mom to our 4 kids, living out in the rural part of WI, earning a significant income that allows us the lifestyle we only dreamt about.  It's been 2 yrs since I signed up as a coach. I work my home business 1-3 hrs / day, around my kid's busy schedules, online, and on my own schedule. It's helped me to get in the best shape & health of my life, while also allowing me to help motivate others to do the same. The physical, emotional, and financial transformations produced from the incredible people I am blessed to help thru this business is such an incredibly REWARDING part of my job. I get to be present every day for my kids - they grow up SO fast!!! To be able to be present every single day of their lives is PRICELESS. This business has given us financial freedom & the freedom to live our life by design. This company has been the biggest BLESSING I could ever imagine & has completely changed our lives.

I'm looking for positive, like-minded, driven women, ‪#‎mompreneurs‬ & ‪#‎GIRLBOSSES‬ who have big HEARTS, aren't afraid to DREAM BIG & have a deep desire to want to change THEIR LIVES & the lives of OTHERS to join my team.

If this is you -- APPLY HERE & I'll get back get back to you within 24 hours to reserve your spot in my next Online New Coach Training Academy!

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