
Nov 15, 2015

Cash for Christmas: Earning income from home!

When I had my first baby, all I prayed for was to be able to leave my career and be home with him as a stay at home mom. We tried child care for a month and a half, but realized paying someone else to raise our baby, me missing out on all the "firsts" was not worth a paycheck. So we made that leap and I left my job - but HOLY CATS, did that come with it's sacrifices!!  7 years later, 4 kids later, it was certainly something we don't regret, but it certainly had it's sacrifices. We needed to cut back on a lot of things in order to make it work. Without my salary, there wasn’t much wiggle room for any extras.  Date nights were spent at home, with a home cooked meal and game night or movies. We ate leftovers a lot more often than we used to and had to cut down on unnecessary spending.…which included Christmas gifts! We already were in over our heads with credit card debt, and chipping away, paying the minimum balance, we weren't getting ahead. The holidays were our favorite time of the year, but also the most stressful, because we knew we couldn't afford to buy gifts for our loved ones. 

As parents, you want to give your little ones everything humanly possible and than some…especially at Christmas! My husband and I decided to just focus on our kids and skip exchanging presents between ourselves. That sounded like a great idea! I have everything I need and want already. I’m very grateful to have a roof over our heads, food on the table, a wonderful husband, and 4 happy and healthy children. What more could a I ask for? We resorted to getting our kids used gifts on Craig's List to cut down on the expense, I took up crochet and made hand-made things for the extended family. Although I realize it's not about the presents, I hated how stressed we were about our finances. 

I felt like our life wasn't the way we'd imagined. We had no savings, credit card debt hanging over our heads, and no plan to get ahead. Christmas was supposed to be a special time of the year that we looked forward to, but I hated how it completely stressed me out. I wished I had the freedom to show my expression of love and gratitude the way I wanted, by getting the perfect gift for that special person on my list. How could I not buy one thing for my husband, the one person whom I love and appreciate the most?


That’s when I took matters into my own hands and started researching stay at home jobs and companies. After a lot of research, I found the perfect job for me…BEACHBODY COACHING!!! That first year I was able to pay CASH for our Christmas, and I had the freedom to purchase a gift for my husband and anyone else who was on our list. 

Fast-forward 2 years now, and I couldn’t be happier! I still get to stay at home and be there for when my family needs me, I have a fulfilling job that I LOVE and doesn't even feel like a "job". I was able to pay off our entire credit card debt, student loan debt, and we are now chipping away at our mortgage. I project that we will be able to write that final check in 2016. We will be 100% debt free. We have a savings account (which we never had before) and the kids have an education fund. This opportunity, working flexible hours, part time, around my kid's and family's schedule, has been the biggest blessing in our lives, second to our family. 

What if you could have this opportunity also? Well, I'm here to tell you that this is legit, and YOU CAN!!!! 

I’m looking to mentor 5 new coaches that join my team. I will teach you the ins and outs, and  and I am committed to helping you earn $500 or more this holiday season by teaching you the most important business building activities in a private online group, 1:1 mentoring and a weekly group call! I am going to make it as seamless as possible!

I will be teaching you how I became a top Elite coach in my first year, living in a small rural farming community, with no social media or marketing experience, and no network of friends. If I can do it, YOU CAN TOO! I want you to ask yourself, "WHY NOT ME?"! 

I’m really excited about this program and I hope to inspire people to have a healthier holiday season and a few extra presents under the tree!  Are you interested? You really have nothing to lose, but EVERYTHING to gain. 

If you are ready to apply or want more details, please fill out this application to join my team, TEAM FIT4MATION, and I’ll get back to you by the end of the day.

I am limiting this group to only 5 spots. When the 5 are taken I am closing the doors to this offer! I want to make sure you get my undivided attention to reach success!

To further help you understand what this opportunity entails, I am hosting a live video conference Q&A following a live event done on Facebook tomorrow, Monday, November 15th, from 6:00PM - 8:00PM CST. Join Cash for Christmas with Team Fit4mation HERE. I cannot wait to meet you as a potential coach on Team Fit4mation!!!

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