
Jan 24, 2016

Master's Hammer & Chisel Meal Plan

So this week I finish my first round of the 8 week in-home fitness program, The Master's Hammer & Chisel! I can hardly believe I am only 3 days away from the finish line. How many times do we start a program only to fizzle out and lose interest, get bored, or lose our motivation? I know I certainly have been there! And I was far from perfect with following the workout schedule or meal plan to a "T"...but regardless, I am really happy for my results and progress!!

I created my final meal plan, and wanted to share it with you in case you are looking for some new ideas and inspiration (ALSO compatible with 21 Day Fix meal plans). Follow my posts for the recipes - I'll be adding photos with my meals throughout the week!

My next online accountability support group begins on Monday, Feb. 1st, in case you are looking for a support system to help you finish with results YOU can be proud of!

Apply HERE if you are interested in learning how you can reserve YOUR spot!!

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