
Jun 16, 2015

My 21 Day Fix Extreme Transformation

So I have decided to share my personal journey using the Beachbody workout and nutrition program, the 21 Day Fix Extreme, starting with my official DAY 1 yesterday on Monday, June 15th, 2015. I have helped countless others transform their bodies, and lives, with this program and Shakeology that I decided it's about time I commit myself to completing it in it's entirety - and really see what I can achieve in a round when I dedicate myself to it. My goal by the end of this program is to be down 10 pounds and 10 inches total. I was pretty darn excited to wake up this morning to find my weight down by one pound already, in just ONE DAY!

Although this program has been out since February 2015, I have YET to be able to complete an entire 3 weeks straight, and stick it out.  I have a tendency to get bored with using the same program every day, and get side tracked easily as I am also a runner. BUT I do love lifting weights, and variety - which this program offers a little bit of everything - from cardio, to weights, to Yoga and Pilates...all in short effective 30 minute workouts. The real struggle for me (as it is for most of us) is in that of sticking to a meal plan. Follow me and my updates over the next 21 days, where I will be sharing my meals, progress, and workouts as I go!

Today begins my "before" stats - or what I like to call it - GOODBYE to the old me, make way for the new me!!!

My beginning measurements and weight are as follows:

Weight: 156.4 lbs.
L. Arm: 11.25"
R. Arm: 11.5"
Chest: 34.5
Waist: 33.75"
Hips: 40"
L. Thigh: 23.75"
R. Thigh: 23.75"

Yesterday was my start, and I completed the 21 DFX Yoga in addition to the Monday's scheduled workout, Plyo Fix Extreme. Weights with jumps - I can honestly say I didn't feel like I pushed myself as hard as I could have, and used 10 pound weights for every move. Next week I am going to up my weights to 15 lbs. and see how that goes. I was a bit sore today, but not as much as I would have liked to be. Call me strange, but whenever I start something different, I judge my effort on how sore I am the following day. I WANT my body to remember the previous day's workout! My meals and water were on point; I fall into the 1299-1499 calorie bracket, so was allotted 6 reds (protein), 3 greens (veggies), one yellow (simple carbs), and 2 teaspoons of healthy fats. I followed everything to the "T" except that I didn't get in one of the reds, and I couldn't resist my 2-yr. old daughter's orange that she didn't want. So I ate that coveted fruit on a carb depletion day! Ugh, had total guilt about that! But on to today, day 2, so far I have resisted EVERY single temptation! (GO ME!). 

My meals for the day were a Pita Pocket Egg Sandwich with mashed avocado, Grilled Chicken Breast with roasted asparagus, Turkey Burger with mashed avocado and Green Beans, Boca Burger wrapped in a romaine "bun" with mixed steamed veggies, and Chocolate Shakeology.  

Pita Pocket Egg Sandwich

DAY 2: 

Down 1 pound from YESTERDAY. What a great way to start the day!  Today's workout is Upper Fix Extreme (my favorite!) and also getting in the 10 minute hardcore abs - because I REALLY need to work on getting some definition back in my abs and get rid of those love handles!

My favorite meal of today was breakfast. There is NOTHING better than to start the day with a pancake drizzled with chocolate sauce!

Oatmeal Pancake with Chocolate Drizzle

One red container, one yellow, and one teaspoon - this was like having desert first thing in the morning. I don't know about you, but this meal is SO worth getting out of bed for in the morning! I don't eat until I've done my workout, so total incentive to push play and just get it done! It is hard to believe that this is 21 Day Fix Extreme approved. I felt like I was cheating!  I think I need to use a larger plate next time. What do you think? 

The rest of my meals were pretty similar to yesterdays. Grilled Boca burger with avocado and veggies, grilled chicken and veggies, Shakeology, and will be finishing off dinner tonight with another turkey burger with sliced tomato and avocado, roasted asparagus, and Chocolate Maple Nut Shakeology for dessert (add in some Maple Syrup extract and touch of almond extract, blend with ice and water in your nutri-bullet) . Today I was able to successfully resist Greek Yogurt and Cookie Dough Ice Cream that the kids wanted. No cheats today for me - I'm on a roll and feeling GREAT! 

Day 3:

So today's workout is Pilates Extreme. I love how the program uses resistance bands to the routines to kick things up a notch (or 2) from a traditional Pilates workout. 

I enjoy several of the workouts included in this program, but this one especially... love to work my core! The 30 minutes really flies by so fast. There's something about a good Yoga or Pilates session that feels good ANY time of the day. Early morning, relaxing in the afternoon, or before bed...when is your favorite time to do your workouts?  I feel so lucky to work from home as a health coach, so that I have the flexibility with my schedule to do it whenever I want! No need to pack up the 4 kiddos to a gym to get a good sweat on - I have all I need right in my home office. Works great for me!

My meals today have been really good (I used most of the same foods as yesterday) except that darn Peanut Butter!! GAH. I think I need to just not buy it for a few weeks so that I don't have that temptation in the house. Do you have that ONE food that you just love?! For me, it's Peanut Butter. I could probably quite literally finish off an entire jar of it, if it didn't have so many calories! Are you with me on that?

This is one of my favorite salads. We raise our own free-range laying hens, so I do eat a lot of eggs for protein. They are so good on salads (love the runny yolks)!. 

Wilted Spinach Egg Salad

This is so easy to make, and takes very little preparation.  I think I could very possibly have this every single day and not get tired of it!

Today's meals are as follows:
√ Pita Pocket Egg Sandwich
√ Chicken & Roasted Asparagus
√ Wilted Spinach Egg Salad
√ Shakeology (I had 2 today - wanted to make sure I got in all 6 of my reds in, for protein)
√ Turkey Burger with sliced tomato and Brussels Sprouts

I am also drinking a LOT of water. Shooting for 2 gallons each day, which makes for a lot of trips to the bathroom! We had to stock up on toilet paper today - just keeping things real! haha. So NOT in my plan was the couple snitches of PB that I had in the afternoon. Now to work it off!  Tomorrow, NO cheats! 

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