
Nov 24, 2015

It's HERE: The Master's Hammer and Chisel

In less than one week, on December, this brand new 60-day Beachbody in-home workout program will be launched and released to the public! This is perhaps one of the most anticipated programs yet! Created and developed by Sagi (creator of Body Beast) and Autumn Calabrese (creator of the 21 Day Fix, and 21 Day Fix Extreme). 


The program encompasses a "SSP" format to the workout rotation (stabilization, strength, and power).  You will improve your physique in each area, stabalization/balance, strength and power as you progress through the program, as you are weight training, which builds the foundation for you to achieve your final results and goal! Someone who has a baseline of fitness, or graduate of a beginner workout program. 

What is included in your program?

You will receive an easy-to-follow and completely customizable nutrition plan, along with 7 portion-control containers that show you how to portion out the right amount of food to help you reach your unique fitness goals.  Whether your goal is to lean out, sculpt and maintain, or build muscle and mass, you will be able to fine tune your meal plan according to what you are looking to achieve. 

You will have options to adapt certain exercises if you have limited access to equipment. The workouts include a modifier who demonstrates some moves at a lower intensity.

1. 12 30- to 40-minute workouts that combine Sagi and Autumn’s proven techniques for 60 days of hardcore resistance training, on 6 DVDs that rapidly build, chisel, and refine your body using SSP Training. You will train 6 out of 7 days in the week. 

2. A set of 7 portion-control containers and a Shakeology® shaker cup to help you master the art of nutrition— and sculpt your ultimate physique. 

3. The Master’s Hammer and Chisel Program and Nutrition Guide, with your straightforward eating plan, easy-tomake recipes, and Sagi and Autumn’s expert tips for getting the most out of your workouts. 

4. Quick-Start Guide lays out your 3-step blueprint for building the body you’ve always wanted. 

5. 60-Day Calendar that shows you which workout to do each day for efficient and effective training. 


7. 10 Min Ab Hammer: Carve definition into your core while strengthening your entire ab complex. 

8. 10 Min Ab Chisel: This core-crusher will transform your midsection, without ever getting on the floor.

EXCLUSIVE! You will receive the FREE bonus workout, The Master’s Cardio, when you go through me as your coach! When Sagi and Autumn want tough, fat-chiseling cardio, The Master’s Cardio DVD includes their go-to moves. Short, but intense, this workout boosts aerobic capacity, power, and muscular endurance—without impacting your lean-muscle gains.

What are the equipment requirements?

You will want to have a few dumbbells (5 - 25 pounds for women, higher for men, 10 - 50 lbs.), a sturdy bench (preferred), stability ball, and a chin-up bar (preferred) with a chin up assist band or resistance band with a door attachment kit to modify, in order to complete the exercises in the workout programs. I highly recommend in investing in the medicine ball or kettle ball. Finally, get a journal to track your progress as you advance through the 60 days! You can get everything you need on your Team Beachbody membership shopping mall! 

Who is this program ideal for?

*People looking for a comprehensive resistance training or muscle-sculpting program.
* Those who liked Body Beast® or 21 Day Fix EXTREME® or Trainers Sagi Kalev and Autumn Calabrese
* People who crave a simple, flexible nutrition plan to help them reach their unique goals.

Can I stream The Master’s Hammer and Chisel workouts? 

Yes! If you purchase The Master’s Hammer and Chisel and become a Premium Team Beachbody® Club member, you’ll get unlimited access to Beachbody® On Demand, where you can stream The Master’s Hammer and Chisel and hundreds of proven Beachbody workouts via any desktop, laptop, tablet, TV, or mobile device—wherever you have an internet connection. Just look for “Purchased Programs” on Beachbody On Demand to access The Master’s Hammer and Chisel.

How do I participate in a support group?

**YOU** have an opportunity to join into a private online TEAM FIT4MATION PILOT GROUP for Hammer and Chisel, with other dedicated participants all doing the meal plan and workouts at the same time, starting on the same day!!! Having an accountability group to help you advance through your 60 days and keep you motivated is priceless. You will get the very best possible results when you surround yourself with a virtual support system, helping you stick to your weekly meal planning and prep, celebrate successes with, and also help you overcome any struggles you encounter. It all starts with having me as your coach (if you do not have a Beachbody Coach already), and believing in yourself that you CAN and WILL reach your goals!

As your coach, I am your number one supporter, and I BELIEVE you will finish, and get the results you are after!!  I've done many of the Beachbody workout programs, and by know, The Master's Hammer and Chisel will be my go-to workout program.  The program is available on December 1st, and I am currently accepting applicants who are committed and serious to participate in our group, all done online in a private group on Facebook. 

To LEARN MORE, receive updates, and join into my Facebook Event page, click here, MASTER'S HAMMER AND CHISEL PILOT GROUP. To be considered, apply HERE and send me an email at with the subject line "Hammer and Chisel Pilot Group". I can't wait to meet you and help you achieve your goals!!! 

Nov 15, 2015

Cash for Christmas: Earning income from home!

When I had my first baby, all I prayed for was to be able to leave my career and be home with him as a stay at home mom. We tried child care for a month and a half, but realized paying someone else to raise our baby, me missing out on all the "firsts" was not worth a paycheck. So we made that leap and I left my job - but HOLY CATS, did that come with it's sacrifices!!  7 years later, 4 kids later, it was certainly something we don't regret, but it certainly had it's sacrifices. We needed to cut back on a lot of things in order to make it work. Without my salary, there wasn’t much wiggle room for any extras.  Date nights were spent at home, with a home cooked meal and game night or movies. We ate leftovers a lot more often than we used to and had to cut down on unnecessary spending.…which included Christmas gifts! We already were in over our heads with credit card debt, and chipping away, paying the minimum balance, we weren't getting ahead. The holidays were our favorite time of the year, but also the most stressful, because we knew we couldn't afford to buy gifts for our loved ones. 

As parents, you want to give your little ones everything humanly possible and than some…especially at Christmas! My husband and I decided to just focus on our kids and skip exchanging presents between ourselves. That sounded like a great idea! I have everything I need and want already. I’m very grateful to have a roof over our heads, food on the table, a wonderful husband, and 4 happy and healthy children. What more could a I ask for? We resorted to getting our kids used gifts on Craig's List to cut down on the expense, I took up crochet and made hand-made things for the extended family. Although I realize it's not about the presents, I hated how stressed we were about our finances. 

I felt like our life wasn't the way we'd imagined. We had no savings, credit card debt hanging over our heads, and no plan to get ahead. Christmas was supposed to be a special time of the year that we looked forward to, but I hated how it completely stressed me out. I wished I had the freedom to show my expression of love and gratitude the way I wanted, by getting the perfect gift for that special person on my list. How could I not buy one thing for my husband, the one person whom I love and appreciate the most?


That’s when I took matters into my own hands and started researching stay at home jobs and companies. After a lot of research, I found the perfect job for me…BEACHBODY COACHING!!! That first year I was able to pay CASH for our Christmas, and I had the freedom to purchase a gift for my husband and anyone else who was on our list. 

Fast-forward 2 years now, and I couldn’t be happier! I still get to stay at home and be there for when my family needs me, I have a fulfilling job that I LOVE and doesn't even feel like a "job". I was able to pay off our entire credit card debt, student loan debt, and we are now chipping away at our mortgage. I project that we will be able to write that final check in 2016. We will be 100% debt free. We have a savings account (which we never had before) and the kids have an education fund. This opportunity, working flexible hours, part time, around my kid's and family's schedule, has been the biggest blessing in our lives, second to our family. 

What if you could have this opportunity also? Well, I'm here to tell you that this is legit, and YOU CAN!!!! 

I’m looking to mentor 5 new coaches that join my team. I will teach you the ins and outs, and  and I am committed to helping you earn $500 or more this holiday season by teaching you the most important business building activities in a private online group, 1:1 mentoring and a weekly group call! I am going to make it as seamless as possible!

I will be teaching you how I became a top Elite coach in my first year, living in a small rural farming community, with no social media or marketing experience, and no network of friends. If I can do it, YOU CAN TOO! I want you to ask yourself, "WHY NOT ME?"! 

I’m really excited about this program and I hope to inspire people to have a healthier holiday season and a few extra presents under the tree!  Are you interested? You really have nothing to lose, but EVERYTHING to gain. 

If you are ready to apply or want more details, please fill out this application to join my team, TEAM FIT4MATION, and I’ll get back to you by the end of the day.

I am limiting this group to only 5 spots. When the 5 are taken I am closing the doors to this offer! I want to make sure you get my undivided attention to reach success!

To further help you understand what this opportunity entails, I am hosting a live video conference Q&A following a live event done on Facebook tomorrow, Monday, November 15th, from 6:00PM - 8:00PM CST. Join Cash for Christmas with Team Fit4mation HERE. I cannot wait to meet you as a potential coach on Team Fit4mation!!!

Nov 1, 2015

Turkey Busters Challenge

Do you feel gross, tired, bloated, and on sugar overload from the Halloween weekend? How awesome would it feel to give your body a fresh start and clean sweep with your nutrition? Who says you have to wait until the New Year, and 2016 to start your fitness goals? Why not right NOW?!?
Just imagine how much progress you could make in the next nine weeks of 2015! And to be honest ---> YOU are WORTH it!
Can you give me just 3 weeks? Three weeks of commitment to me and your goals? Commit to simple and effective eating AND 30 minute in-home workouts!
I am starting this program on November 9th, and I'd love for you to join me! (it's way better to do it with buddy's!). I'm ready for people who are like me, who want to step it up and see what they can really accomplish! I mean, who doesn't want to look and feel their best during all of those holiday parties, and have already started before the New Year even begins?
If you're ready to commit to yourself and your goals...if you're ready to take your health into your own hands and step it up, complete this application and I will get you the information you need to help you get started!
**SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY, you must not already be working with a free health coach**

Oct 18, 2015

OPERATION: Fall Into Fitness

Happy Sunday!  I cannot believe we're half way through October, and TOMORROW is my BIRTHDAY!  I feel so much better in my late 30's then I did in my 20's. I'm stronger, eat better, and just feel like I have things together (most of the time). But you know, even the most consistent and dedicated of people can lose their motivation at times and benefit from having an accountability partner (or several!).  That would be ME!!!!  I have been running and using my in-home workouts (Body Beast and 21 Day Fix Extreme) consistently every day other than the occasional rest day.  I can see visible changes in my arms and shoulders and just "feel" stronger overall, but like so many of us, I feel I can always improve with my nutrition.  I just don't feel as good as I know I can, when I don't get enough water, or eat too many sweets, carbs and peanut butter. I seriously think I need to stop buying the nut butter for about 21 days so I can "detox"! Haha. 

When I don't drink enough water and my eating isn't on track, I just plain can't sleep, I lack energy, I am not feeling my usual determined and motivated self, and I can totally feel it in my running and workouts.   When your body is used to eating clean, and then you have a little backslide, your body fights you back in not-so-pleasant ways!! 

So what did I do about it?  I decided last week to commit myself to using the 21 Day Fix Extreme, to a "T", containers and all. But with anything, progress is progress, and there is no such thing as failure when you don't give up. I had a slip up yesterday with the Apple Crisp my mom brought over, but I'm not allowing that to get me down. The only way to fail is to quit. And I'm not a quitter. Today is a new day, and I'm back in it to win it!  

This is my FOCUS:

1.  Use my 21 Day Fix containers for every meal, every day, for the duration of the 3 weeks.

2.  Ensure I get in my daily recommended water intake.  1/2 my body weight in ounces, every day.

3.  I know from experience when I follow my meal plan and drink my Shakeology, I will rid my body of sugar cravings to help me achieve my goal. TRACKING helps me stick to my plan. So therefore, I will take time to track my intake every single day. I love, so that's what I'll stick to. 

4.  Although it is so hard to take a rest day, I will take one once per week on my Yoga days. 

5. I will not skip a workout, and will use my 10 minute ab workout every other day to work on my core strength. 

This is public accountability at its best, and what helps me keep pushing myself to be the best I can be!  I'm hoping that together we can keep each other accountable.  I truly believe that no one is perfect, but rather it's a lifelong journey that we are always working towards. By sharing my own personal struggles and successes, I hope to inspire and motivate you to keep yourself going in the right direction!

So because jeans and sweater season is here I want to give you EXTRA accountability too!  Do you dread going into your closet to see if last year's jeans still fit? There's no worse feeling than to go into your closet and have a hard time finding clothes that fit like they should. Or feeling your muffin top bulge over your jeans, or have a huge stack of clothes in your closet that doesn't fit. It's an instant BAD MOOD for sure. Or have you ever used the pregnancy trick (when you're not expecting) and used a rubber band to hold your pants together? That feeling SUCKS. No better way to put it.  Or only wearing baggy tops so that the belly bulge isn't as noticeable? I used to do that, and it made me feel terrible about myself!  But after really buckling down, and focusing on my nutrition, the pounds seemed to melt off.  I could wear nearly anything I wanted to and feel confident, and my mood was so much better, and I was just overall so much more confident! No more shying away from the cameras :)    

I know it takes dedication and effort, but I would love to pay it forward and do the same for you by offering you my help and support in a 4 week focus group online. 

I am kicking off the plan and prep week to my 4 week Operation Fall Into Fitness group on Monday October 19th.  This is a 4 week, closed online support and accountability group.  My goal is to teach you how to meal plan, how to make healthier, higher quality food choices, help you to manage your cravings for sweets, deal with the temptations of the approaching Halloween Holiday, how to handle eating out, traveling and everything else life throws our way!  

WEEK 1:  We will not be using workouts (unless you would like to), as there is a strong focus on your goals and getting you in the right mindset for the work that lies ahead.  Together we will set realistic and achievable goals, learn about nutrition and healthy choices, give you sample meal plans, snack ideas and more.  

WEEK 2: Here starts the FUN!  Applying what you learned in the first week, while adding in your in-home daily workouts (you have the choice of any Team Beachbody Fitness program.  I help you choose the one that is right for you based on your own fitness level, goals, and current needs).  The 21 Day Fix or Fix Extreme is by far my favorite, especially if you need an overhaul on your nutrition.  Plus the workouts are great, and there are modifications at each and every level for you to follow as you work your way through the program. 

WEEKS 3-4:  A continuation of week 2, we continue to use our daily workouts, follow our meal plans, share our accountability each day in our private groups, and support one another to our goals by helping one another celebrate successes along the way, and strategize any challenges or obstacles. 

So at this point you might be asking yourself what the requirements to join are?

REQUIREMENTS to JOIN: All you would need is to have me as your free Team Beachbody coach and complete the below application! It is 100% free of charge, and you would just create an account on my site! Then, I would walk you through the next steps to get started and get you added into my online accountability and support group.

Lastly, each person is required to replace 1 meal a day with Shakeology for the duration of the group. The reason is simple - for your health benefit, and I want to offer you the complete solution to healthy living. Shakeology is not "just" your typical protein shake.  It's not comparable to Slim Fast or any other shake on the market. I'm totally guilty of not checking the label on my shake. I used to use some cheap generic protein shake, that is until I took the time to educate myself on what I was REALLY putting in my body. Comparing that label to the list of ingredients of Shakeology was a game changer, and so eye opening. When you look at Shakeology you are seeing high quality ingredients that are not processed, there are no artificial sweeteners or flavorings and it is going to help you lose weight because it's portion controlled and it has the right carb to protein ratio that your body needs to make up a complete meal - therefore no cravings!  

You can choose any meal or snack during the day to replace with Shakeology.  I always suggest you choose the meal that you struggle with the most (or skip all together). For some, that might be crazy mornings with getting the family off to school and yourself off to work. Others might use it for their lunch at work so that they aren't going out to eat and resorting to other less healthy options. Give it 30 days so you can decide for yourself how it helps you stay on track, and how it helps you FEEL!  It will also help the transition to your new healthy routines easier, it will help you get better results because your body is getting proper nutrition and can recover faster, and at the end of the 4 weeks we can re-evaluate to see where to go from here!

Coconut Dream Shakeology

What does joining a Support Group entail?  Each day you will log in to the closed online accountability group and read the daily post from me, as your coach.  You will find either a tip on clean eating, a recipe, motivation or accountability.  Each person is required to check in each day and report their day for accountability (usually in the evening, or report for the day prior).

This is a private, safe place for us, as we are all doing this together. REAL people just like you, to help get you through any obstacles that come with reaching your health and fitness goals.  Having each other's support and encouragement is so invaluable, and will help us stay on track!

To reserve a spot in my Fall into Fitness Group, please complete the application HERE!  There is a limited number of spaces and its first come first get! Hope to see you in the group, get to know you and together become fitter and healthier versions of ourselves!!!  I cannot WAIT to ROCK OUT OUR SKINNY JEANS WITH YOU AT THE END!!!


Sep 17, 2015

Do You Dream About Being a Stay-At-Home Mom??

I used to cry myself to sleep at night, praying and wishing there was a way for me to be able to be home with my kids. I dreaded leaving them in a stranger's care during the day, and felt like I was working, only to pay for Child Care. When my husband and I decided we just couldn't do it any more, and I left my career to stay home, we were so financially strapped living on one income that life was H A R D. We cut expenses in every single possible place to make it work.

I am thinking about all you MOMS out there who, like me, are wanting to earn an income -- BUT also be able to STAY HOME with your family. As soon as I became a mom, I didn't want to go back to work...but I couldn't afford not to. The 2 months we had our oldest in day care was the hardest 2 months up until that point. I felt trapped, depressed, and all I could think about was when 4:30 rolled around so I could go grab him and bring him home. After leaving my career, living on one income was H A R D. We depleted our entire savings, racked up credit card debt, and were in completely over our heads. 4 kids later, 7 years later, we knew we were done having kids, and it was time for me to start looking at earning an income again. I started searching for a way to make it happen where I could STILL be home with my young children and baby.  I prayed about it, talked it over with my husband, and we found a way!

He was friends with someone on FB who informed me about the coaching opportunity with Beachbody -- to be able to have a home-based business as an Online Health & Fitness Coach. The really crazy thing, is I was even looking for an opportunity to do this very same thing, but prior to this particular day, it didn't lead me to Beachbody. In God's perfect timing, this opportunity presented itself to us. I knew in my heart it was meant to be - THIS was our perfect solution. I quickly learned that not only was it EVERYTHING I had been searching & praying for -- but it encompassed the things I truly LOVED:::

~helping others
~fitness & nutrition
~being my own boss
~working from home
~making my own hours
~dressing however I wanted
~earning an unlimited income
~being able to travel whenever I wanted
~making a positive DIFFERENCE in this world

~turning my passion for healthy living into a career

After learning more about it, I decided to go for it.  How could I NOT!? I had found my DREAM JOB. I am now comfortably fulfilling my dream as a stay at home mom to our 4 kids, living out in the rural part of WI, earning a significant income that allows us the lifestyle we only dreamt about.  It's been 2 yrs since I signed up as a coach. I work my home business 1-3 hrs / day, around my kid's busy schedules, online, and on my own schedule. It's helped me to get in the best shape & health of my life, while also allowing me to help motivate others to do the same. The physical, emotional, and financial transformations produced from the incredible people I am blessed to help thru this business is such an incredibly REWARDING part of my job. I get to be present every day for my kids - they grow up SO fast!!! To be able to be present every single day of their lives is PRICELESS. This business has given us financial freedom & the freedom to live our life by design. This company has been the biggest BLESSING I could ever imagine & has completely changed our lives.

I'm looking for positive, like-minded, driven women, ‪#‎mompreneurs‬ & ‪#‎GIRLBOSSES‬ who have big HEARTS, aren't afraid to DREAM BIG & have a deep desire to want to change THEIR LIVES & the lives of OTHERS to join my team.

If this is you -- APPLY HERE & I'll get back get back to you within 24 hours to reserve your spot in my next Online New Coach Training Academy!

Healthy 21 Day Fix-Approved Ice Cream

Because sometimes you just want ice cream!!! Am I right? Well did you know that so often times, when we have those cravings or impulses, we just go to what's there and available - but when you take the time to have some forethought, plan ahead, and do a little bit of preparation, you can indulge and satisfy your craving without sacrificing your fitness goals and waistline?  

I know for me, I get these ideas late at night, like most people. It's easy to just grab a cup of tea and call it good, but I built this "cheat" into my meal plan intentionally so that I don't feel like I'm depriving myself of the foods I really love - such as ice cream and peanut butter, and chocolate! 

As I'm gearing up for my next online fitness challenge, "Sweating for Skinny Jeans", this is a sneak peek to some of the recipes and tips I'll be sharing with my customers to help us drop those 10 pounds FAST!!!  No fatty, sugary ice cream, but this recipe is the BOMB-DIGGITY and my kids don't even know the difference!!! (no joke!)

Frozen Banana, sliced
2 tsp. natural Peanut Butter ( I love Smucker's All-Natural, chunky is really great in this recipe)
1 T. Almond milk, water, or other liquid

Optional Additions: 
*mini chocolate chips
*1 tsp. Maple Syrup extract (if you like Maple Nut Ice Cream!)

1 - Add your frozen banana slices to your Nutri-bullet or Ninja along with the other ingredients except chocolate chips, if using. The liquid is needed to help get the banana whipped up and blended until smooth. 
2 - Place in a bowl, and set in the freezer for about 30 minutes until slightly thickened to Ice Cream consistency. 

Top with mini chocolate chips if you like, grab a spoon, and ENJOY!!!

Sep 13, 2015

10 Top Tips for a Healthier Weekend

So it's the weekend. FINALLY!  Time to sit back, enjoy some relaxation from the busy workweek, enjoy being HOME, and taking some time for yourself and your family.  But what you DON'T want, is to back track every single weekend, only to leave you with regret, remorse, and "starting over" every Monday morning. 

So how DO you keep things moving forward in your health and fitness goals over the weekend? Here are some of my TOP TIPS, tried and true!!

1 - Start your weekend with intention. 
When you know what you want, and DON'T want, you will know what you need to do to keep yourself accountable.  I suggest tracking in a food journal, or use an app. I recommend SparkPeople or My Fitness Pal.  You can also track your activity levels with these tools, or use your Team Beachbody Wowy Supergym to be eligible to win some extra MOOLA - because we can all benefit from having some extra fun money!  

2 - Stay hydrated! 
Because your body often times mis-reads your thirst for hunger, and you want your body to be operating at it's best. There are so many benefits to staying hydrated, such as *maintains the balance of bodily fluids * helping to control calories by making you feel full * helps energize muscles * helps your complexion and skin looking good * helps your kidneys * helps maintain normal bowel function. Aim for half your body weight in ounces daily! So for example, for a 160 pound person, their daily requirement would be 80 ounces of water. 

3 - Use the opportunity for a more open schedule to plan for double workouts, or do something active with the family.  
Be a good example for your kids and family by showing them that our health is priority, and it's easy to fit it in!  Better yet, encourage them to do it with you and show them how much FUN it can be to sweat!

4 - Eat like it's a weekday!  
If you think about it, why change anything up from what you normally do? Follow your meal plan, prep your meals, and eat like you LOVE your BODY! (because you do!!).  Pack snacks for when you're on the go, and follow a schedule just like you would during the week. Your body will thank you!

5 - Stick to your usual sleep schedule. 
Do you have a set bedtime during the work week, and love to stay up late and sleep in on the weekends? Changing your sleep patterns could throw off your schedule (it's hard to eat breakfast when you get up at 11AM!), and could also interfere with weight loss. HELLO late night SNACKING! And it's usually not the healthy kind at 11 PM! Changing your sleep schedule can also make it harder to fall asleep on Sunday night which could set you up for a tired Monday. Stick to your norm, and your body will thank you!

6 - Plan to weigh in Monday morning. 
If you need extra help being accountable over the weekend, schedule your weekly weigh-in for Monday mornings. Knowing that you'll step on the scale at the start of the week can help you to stay accountable and be more aware of your weekend choices. I used to do this on Wednesdays, and Saturdays, but that was an easy excuse for me to get lax with my nutrition. Now that I use Mondays to track my weekly progress, I've noticed how much of a difference that one little change can make!

7 - Plan for the week ahead. 
What better way to stay healthy on the weekend than by using your extra time to continue to set yourself up for success? Take a Sunday afternoon or evening to plan your meals, hit the grocery store, and do some big batch cooking for the week ahead, by doing your weekly meal prep. That way, when your busy week gets even busier, you'll already be ahead of the curve and able to stay on track! Don't forget about washing your workout clothes and laying them out for your early morning workouts!  

8 - Order smart when you eat out.  
Date nights happen on the weekends, but that doesn't mean you have to eat poorly and sacrifice all the hard work you put in during the week!  Eat lean cuts of meat, and ask for dressings or sauces on the side so you get some control over excess fat and calories. Plan ahead with where you will be going so you can reference their menu online before going to know exactly what you will be ordering!  Also, ask how the foods are prepared. Instead of sautéing veggies in oil, most restaurants will be happy to prepare them steamed instead to save you fat and calories. 

9 -  Eat before events.  
Enjoy a filling snack to curb appetizer grazing at parties and prevent overeating. My go-to's are a high-protein snack, such as water-packed tuna or salmon, Shakeology, almonds.

10 - Watch portion sizes.
Having a little extra time over the weekend means we have more time to linger…and pile on another helping. Get into the habit of sticking to proper portion sizes for every meal and snack.  I love the nutrition plan with the 21 Day Fix for determining healthy, balanced portions customizable for everyone!  

And lastly, remember who's watching! My 4 kids keep me accountable to my nutrition goals, by simply being. I want to show them what it means to eat healthy balanced meals so that they never have to go through trying to lose weight or suffering from obesity-related, preventable disease. If I wouldn't give it to my kids, I don't eat it either. There's room for everything in moderation, and so many times, we can make a few adjustments to almost anything to make it a healthy option for the whole family. 

Eat like you love your body, and it will love you back!! <3

Sweating for my Skinny Jeans: Online Health Support Group

It's fall!!  My favorite time of the year - jeans, boots, scarves, hats, baggy cardigans.  But if you're like me, it's been MONTHS since I've even looked at my jeans! There's nothing more I love, than a pair of dark denim skinny jeans with a cute pair of pumps or boots. And I know so many of us busy moms totally let the summer get away on us, putting our own health and fitness goals on the back-burner.  So I decided to TURBO CHARGE things for you, and help you get on a good track so you can feel GREAT by Halloween, AWESOME by Thanksgiving, and AMAZING, STUNNING, SEXY and CONFIDENT by Christmas and your New Year's parties!!!

So here's what I'm looking for:  20 women who want to lose 10 lbs. in 30 days ...for a total of 200 lbs. down between all of our group members!

Starting on September 21st, we will meet daily in a closed Facebook group for support and accountability.
You will receive a custom diet plan, one on one nutrition advice, portion control containers, a workout program that gets killer results, a 30 day supply of shakeology (a nutrient dense meal replacement shake that helps keep you on track, energized and eliminates excuses to eating right) a schedule, a support team, and a personal dietitian!
I am going ALL IN with this group and expect every other member to do as well so that we are all each other's BEST accountability partners!!  I'm already down 5 POUNDS in ONE WEEK following this meal plan I'll be sharing with our members, and I am feeling so motivated to keep things going!
We are going to spend 30 days FOCUSED and make some healthy balanced changes in the way you eat, feed your family, work out, and greatly improve your overall health.

We will fine tune your existing routines and create some amazing new habits while saying good-bye to your old bad habits.
If you want to be considered for one of the spots open and receive the application, send me a message, comment below "attending" so I can send you more information and make sure this is a good fit for you, or clink the link below to join us!!!
BIG changes are about to take place- you don't want to miss this one!!

I will be hand-selecting our 20 members. To be considered, please fill out this brief application! This will help me get to know you a bit better, and make sure you're eligible and that this group is a good fit for you and your goals!

Aug 28, 2015

The Spouse Fit Challenge

Here we are...the end of August. Fall is upon us; pumpkins and skinny jeans, baggy sweaters, boots, and leaves turning.  Evenings sipping tea, kids going back to school, schedules changing, leaving summer behind and looking forward to winter and cooler weather. You might be feeling like your goals to work towards your summer body failed you. But guess what? It's not too late for a fresh start!!

Do you sometimes find yourself wishing your spouse was on the same page as you with your fitness goals? Do you find you often have problems communicating with one another when it concerns your workouts and nutrition?

There's an easy answer why that is. Guys are just simply programed different then us women. We all know, guys don't want to be told what to do. They like their beer and burgers... but the point is to do things together and support one another to make small changes in the right direction. Improving yourselves and your health TOGETHER can have the potential to help your relationship, marriage, and health all in one.

I gotta admit, it can be tough at times to keep motivated and have discipline. It's back to school for the kids, the PERFECT TIME for a fresh start for YOU BOTH as well!!!  What would be better than for you to do a program together - workouts, meal plan, the whole works?!  Your spouse can potentially be your biggest supporter and determining factor of how well you are able to stick with your program for the duration - whether it be 21 days, or 90.

What if I could offer you a 30 day group with my hubby and I in a SPOUSE FIT challenge??? Together you and your spouse are teammates, holding each other accountable, {{couples competing with one another}} for a one night Hotel Stay on us based on participation and the voted best transformation!

Are you ready to kick your fall fitness goals in high gear and do this with us?!?!

We begin PRESEASON on Monday!!!!!  Who's in?!?!

Requirements are:
1 - have me as your free coach (if you already have a coach you are working with, please contact them for support).
2 - Be willing to make changes to your body and work towards achieving your fitness goals
3 - Be a active participant in our private, closed support group.
4 - Be ready to go ALL IN with your proven in-home fitness and nutrition program tailored to your needs.

If this sounds like something you are ready to do for yourselves, Apply HERE!!!

Aug 23, 2015

Body Beast: Not Just for the Guys!

This summer I attended my 2nd Coach Summit conference which was hosted in Nashville, TN, and I was so excited to hear about this fall's newest program release, Hammer and Chisel, with my two all-time favorite trainers, Sagi Kalev and Autumn Calabrese. 

Check it out!  

I have been using Body Beast off and on for about 2 years for cross training with my running, and following the simple and yet effective meal plan of 21 Day Fix Extreme (and adding in the workouts as well for variety). I can tell you that there is no better feeling then waking up sore from a good workout the day before!  Adding in the new Performance Line has been such a total game changer for me, especially the Recharge Formula, to help with muscle soreness and muscle synthesis. Completely NSF-approved, naturally derived, this product is a must-have for those who are serious about leaning out, building muscle, and taking things to the highest notch possible with their fitness goals. 

So it just really seems like a natural fit, to combine these 2 programs in the FIRST EVER partnership of trainers working together to create one kick-butt workout program, Hammer and Chisel!

I have decided to really go after my goals in the next 2 months leading up to this new program launch, and run my own "test" group using these 2 programs in a hybrid workout schedule and following the 21 DFX Meal Plan. 

Heart. Hustle. Determination.

It's true, some people just don't care. They seem to be ok with just accepting their circumstances. And I'm not passing judgement. It's up to each person to decide their own path.  So here it comes...confession time. As we were on vacation last week, I didn't skip one workout (yay me!), but I didn't follow my meal plan as I would have liked.  So coming back, I totally felt like I was walking the road of shame...but at the same time, back stronger than ever to bring my "A" game. My workouts are planned, weekly meal plan is done and posted on the fridge, and I'm ready more than ever to see what my body is capable of when I follow my meal plan and train like a BOSS!

Why I make my health priority is because I want more. To be more, do more, be a positive role model for my kids. I don't want to wait for a health scare to turn things around...that is, if I'm given a second chance. The way I see it, is I can wish for it, or I can DO it. There's no time like the present to take action and be your own fitspiration. Believe you can, and you're half way there!!! 

So here is my first week's plan, meals and workouts, to get me on a good track for success. I cannot WAIT to see how my body responds to the shift in my training schedule. I am a runner, so it will be a change for me to cut back on my cardio and add in more of the strength training. But I really feel like this is what will shape my body into what I'm after. 

Workout/Meal Plan Week 1

My stats are recorded, goodbye pics taken, and now, onto my TRAINING!!! Stay tuned for my weekly progress as I work towards my fitness goals for the next 2 months. 

**If you would like to join me on my journey in a closed online group, complete your application HERE for my next group, starting SOON!!!

Aug 13, 2015

The Kickstart Challenge: Back to School Edition

YIKES! I cannot believe it is already mid-way through August, catalogs for back to school shopping are littering our mailbox, and I hate thinking that our summer vacation is nearing an end. Our day time snuggles and spur of the moment outings are abruptly coming to an end. I am finding myself looking for ways to make the transition easier from our laid back summer schedule to our routine-oriented "school" schedule. Is this something you are also thinking about? I will have 3 kiddos in school full time this year, with my youngest at home with me. I'm excited to game plan since our current schedule is in need of some adjustments. Since I work from home, I still need to make sure I am able to do what is needed to ensure I am fitting it all in, and make the transition as smooth as possible! 

I want to help you get on track this fall by hosting a 30 day online Health and Fitness Challenge/ Accountability group. I'm sure you moms out there might be thinking I am CRAY for even considering that we can find time to work out and start eating differently while school is starting back up...because I know we feel overwhelmed, stretched too thin, tired and thinking there just isn't time for this. But I'm here to tell you to just have TRUST. I know how you're feeling. I've been there!  But I'm here to tell you that you can do it. You can find those 30 minutes each day for YOU. It is the perfect natural stress reliever, gives me natural energy, and is a confidence builder. It makes me a better wife, parent, and overall better person to be around, and I know it will do the same for you as well!  I want to help you feel the best YOU you can be. It is possible. 

Below you will find a little outline on what you can expect from my new template for this 30 day Kickstart Challenge. Think of it as your new health and fitness syllabus!  This group is intended for those who want to do what you love to do for your fitness, I will help you be consistent in your workouts so that you don't give up on yourself. But the primary focus will be on our nutrition. 80% of our results are based on what we eat!!! So this is important that we really dig in and dial it in. 

There's NO better way than the 3-Day Refresh to help me do a nutritional reset, drop some unwanted pounds fast (every time I've done it, I have lost at least 3.5 pounds, and up to 5.5 in just 3 days). For those of us who like to see immediate results to stay motivated, this is the perfect solution. AAAAAAAAAAND I really need some help to get over my peanut butter addiction - bahahaha! So now I said it - yes, I do have a problem. And yes, I will BEAT IT this month!

-Making the Time-
If you can't wake up any earlier than you do now, find a spot for just 30 minutes each day where you can work out. If you stay home, that may be during the time one of your kids takes a nap, or maybe its when your hubby comes home from work, or after the kids go to bed. If you work outside the home, most people find it easiest to form this new routine by doing it first thing in the morning by just simply getting up 35 minutes earlier than they do now (and perhaps going to bed 35 minutes earlier each night). To add this "me" time to your day, you will probably have to give up something, like surfing the web, FB scrolling, Pinterest searching, watching TV.  You've all probably heard it...don't FIND the time MAKE the time. It's important, so just do it!
-Your Why-
Together ,we will figure out your WHY. Your reason for wanting to become healthier and set some goals to get there. It's not enough to just say you want to lose some weight! That won't keep you motivated. When you dig down and figure out what's driving you .... you will make the mental switch to want to work out and prepare healthy meals. You will figure out a way.
-The Requirements-
We are busy as it is, so the workout program that is most often recommended will be one that is 30 minutes or less. I will get you started with Shakeology because honestly, its the easiest, healthiest meal of your day. And the benefits are worth every penny. As moms, our bodies need to run as efficiently as possible, to have more energy, to be able to fight cravings, and get the vitamins and nutrients pumped in so we can do everything we needs to do and have the energy to power through our workouts and keep up with our kids!

-Option to "KICKSTART" your weight loss-
...with the 
 3-Day Refresh challenge pack. The  3-Day Refresh is a 3-day gentle detox/cleanse that will jump start weight loss and give you a break from bad habits. It isn't a juice fast, its not a crash diet, and you do not starve. It includes Shakeology for breakfast, a fiber drink, a vanilla refresh protein shake and snack/lunch/dinner food options. I will be starting off the 30 day challenge with this for sure! I have lost anywhere from 3.5 - 6.2 lbs. when I have done it, and it's safe to use up to once each month. It is an option, not required... but note that the 3 Day Refresh Challenge Pack (including a 30 day supply of Shakeology) is on sale until the end of this month! And you also get a trial of Beachbody On Demand where you can pick your own virtual workout!!! You will love this if you get bored easily and need variety in your workout routine!

My 3-Day Refresh Results

-The Challenge Group-
This challenge group will only be thirty days long. If you show up once a day and check in and I see that your putting in the effort and really trying to change and work towards your goals, we will extend it to another thirty days. I'm not trying to be tough lol, I'm not really that kind of "teacher". I just am writing from my experience of coaching challenge groups for over two years. I will put 110% into you if you show up! I can't want it for you, as much as I try never works that way. I'd love to help every single person that I talk to, but it's not always the right time for them.
I will post daily in our private Facebook group. I will post daily motivation, tips, videos, time-saving recipes and websites (ie. slow cooker meals), workout advice, and help you stay accountable. I strongly encourage group participants to check in once a day, rating how your day was. Every once in awhile I will post a little assignment for the day. Having the support of the group is the secret sauce. When you have other people to help inspire you and encourage you, it makes a huge difference.
Listen. I know its not easy. I know it can be a challenge. I know its hard to keep your motivation afloat. I've had 4 pregnancies.  2 plus years of work. I still have lots of work to do to achieve my goals. I still have setbacks. Weight loss. Weight gain. Plateaus. Learning curves. Struggles. Non scale victories. BUT most of all never giving up. Learning to think positive. Yes, it can happen. You can make it a lifestyle change. Progress. You can make time for yourself to workout. You can make better food choices. You can think positively. You can have support doing so. I can give you the tools you need, and you just have to be ready to give this to yourself. To give yourself somewhere to start. You deserve it, why not you? Life is about to get busy for a lot of you mamas out there. Start a healthy routine now. Get started now. You will be so thankful you did a month from now, 6 months from now, a year from now. Message me or fill out the Kickstart Challenge Application if you want one of the FIVE open spots in my next challenge group.