
Jun 12, 2016

21 Day Fix Extreme: My Journey, Day 2

So today was day 2, Extreme Uppers, 10 Minute Hard Core ab workout, and I also doubled up with a 6 mile run. The runner in me needs to get outdoors in the sun when it's a weekend, and the weather was just gorgeous today! So I took full advantage of having hubby home so I could get one in. 

What I love about this particular workout is that it's only 3 sets, 2 reps each, focusing on biceps, triceps, shoulders, back, and abs. The 30 minutes go by so fast! For equipment, you will need both a light set of weights (I used 10's) and a heavy set (I used both 15's and 20's, depending on the muscle groups being worked), and a resistance band. I hope my arms feel it tomorrow! 

I have to admit my water intake could have been better, and I feel like my metabolism is in overdrive. It was more difficult to stay on top of my nutrition today than yesterday, and my legs are so sore from yesterday's Plyo Extreme. But I'm weird like that - I LOVE to feel sore after a good workout! It tells me that I did something to make it work, and used enough weights and intensity to change my body. Sundays we are normally out and about, so I took my Shakeology with me on the go so I wouldn't be hungry and tempted to eat out, along with a can of Sparkling Water, but I could have taken a larger bottle of plain ice water with me as well. 

My meals were pretty similar today as yesterday: Eggs with wilted spinach and oats with coconut oil (times 2, for breakfast and lunch), Shakeology was my mid-morning snack, and had a baked chicken breast with some corn for dinner. 

Tomorrow I will need to really stay on top of my water, because I know it helps me with my nutrition. Getting through the first week will be the hardest, then it's on to the home stretch!! Day 2 is done, kitchen is closed, only 19 more days to go!!!

So I'm checking out for the night to talk with some ladies about how to get started as an Online Health and Fitness Coach, as I did just nearly 3 years ago. To learn more about what I do, how I earn income working from my home helping others with their health goals, apply HERE! I can't wait to meet you soon! 

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