
Jun 12, 2016

Clean Eating Rhubarb Muffins

Who doesn't love to enjoy some rhubarb in the spring? Growing up, that was the first sign that summer vacation was on it's way!! My mom would line up the pie crusts, and go into a baking frenzy. Rhubarb pies, breads, cakes, crisp, bars and's no wonder I didn't gain 20 pounds just in the month of May! 

So it was my mission to find some healthy alternatives, with none of the guilt or sacrifice in flavor! I think these turned out pretty good!

Serves: 9 (1 muffin each)
Fixate Equivalents- 
1 purple
1 blue
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup mashed bananas (about 2 medium bananas)
1 Tbs. grass-fed butter, melted
1 1/2 almond flour *(rolled oats will also work)
3/4 tsp. baking soda, gluten free
1 dash sea salt (or Himalayan salt)
1/2 cup chopped rhubarb or other firm fruit (Apple, pear, blueberries)
1- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2- Prepare nine muffin cups by lining with muffin tin liners or coating with spray.
3- Combine eggs, banana, and butter in a medium bowl; mix well. Set aside.
4- Combine almond flour, baking soda, and salt in a medium bowl; mix well.
5- Add almond meal mixture to egg mixture; mix until blended.
6- Add rhubarb; mix until just blended.
Divide batter evenly between prepared muffin cups.
7- Bake 16-18 minutes, or until golden brown and toothpick inserted into center comes out clean.
8- Transfer muffins to rack; cool.

These don't keep very long at room temp., so you will either want to eat them up the day of, or store them in the fridge, or freeze into portioned servings. Enjoy with your morning cup of joe!

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